Det kan godt være lidt svært at finde stedet. Men bare rolig. Efter booking modtages en mail med praktisk information, bl.a. med kørselsvejledning og info om nøgleboks.
Også om ting, der sikkert betyder lige så meget for dig som for mig. Jeg taler om at komme på nettet, hvordan kaffemaskinen virker og hvor man gør af affaldsposen med køkkenaffald.
Finding the place can be a little bit tricky. But don’t worry. After completion of booking you will receive practical information at a high level. Like how you get to the place, from the airport, by train or in your own car.
Also about things that probably mean as much to you as they do to me. I’m talking about getting connected to wifi, how to use the coffee machine and other important things. Not to mention where you go with the kitchen waste.